March 31, 2014

Crafting Closet Update

Originally, I had planned to make some elaborate blogposts about the different crafts that I have completed on my to do list.  Then I remembered that I had small children and just completing these projects was an achievement and there is no harm in a massive blogpost.

February's crafts to do were diaper boxes turned storage boxes, an infinity nursing scarf, and mending Tim's baby hat for Isaac to wear.
I made two storage boxes (one to hold scarves and winter items in the hall close and one to hold Elijah's pull-ups so he can easily get them himself). 

I really enjoyed making the infinity nursing scarf, but unfortunately it's not big enough to use for a nursing cover for my son.  Isaac is a squirmy eater which doesn't bode well for a modest feeding session during a mixed group Bible study.

Isaac's hat from his Daddy needed just a bit of mending to make it fit correctly on him.

March's crafts to do list wasn't that big, but I didn't get to work on it until last week.
For Christmas, my sister in law bought me some frames and miniature clothes pins so I could make a gallery to hang my sons' drawings.  Now, I don't have random drawings taped to the wall anymore!

I decided to add to my list some toy hammocks that I saw on Pinterest.

Finally this last Friday, I melted down all of my broken and wickless candles and made some emergency candles for when the power goes off.  I realized towards the end of the candle making experience that I really don't enjoy making candles.  I would rather scrub toilets then make more candles. So, from now on, I'll just leave the candle making to the experts and buy my candles.

My crafting closet is now a little bit more organized.
Next month's craft: Real Hope Blankets

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