February 15, 2014

A Weekend Snowpocolypse!

This past weekend, the Pacific NW was hit with freezing temperatures and snow. Schools were closed. Roads got icy and jammed up with accidents and slow moving vehicles. Tim got a 3 1/2 day weekend. But as the temperatures dipped, we enjoyed some relaxing family time in our warm apartment.  So, Tim (with the "help" of Beniah and Elijah) took the time to put together Isaac's exersaucer since Isaac just isn't happy laying on the floor or even sitting in his chair. He has to stand even if he is too little and can't properly hold himself upright yet. 

 The next morning, I bundled the older two boys up and we headed outside to play in the almost 4" of snow that accumulated in our back patio.

Isaac stayed warm inside with the cat (and Tim who was working from home).

Being the Pintrest junkie that I am, I decided to try out an outdoor winter activity that I saw pinned and I let the boys blow bubbles just to see what would happen when they froze.
 Although frozen bubbles look kind of cool, they're a bit anticlimactic.

Then it was off to explore the great white world of our neighborhood and to see if the US mail really does deliver in all sorts of weather. *We did have mail, but it could have been there for a few days since I always forget to check the mail.*

The roads were still too hazardous for us to venture out to church on Sunday, so we stayed home, got online, and watched my sister and brother in law talk about their ministry to the tribal regions of Southern India. The boys were excited to see their Aunt and Uncle on tv and slightly confused when their names were mentioned on tv in a shout out by my sister.

Life returned to normal on Monday when the warmer rains came and the roads cleared up so Tim could get back to work. But I had a nice view for a little while as I worked in the kitchen.

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