June 30, 2010

1st Good Look at Baby #2

Today I had my 12 week ultrasound to determine if the baby has any birth defects. We are all in the clear on that account. We received a cd of the visit which thrilled me because now I don't have to take the time to scan in the pictures to the computer! The baby was so active that the technician had a difficult time measuring the baby. At one point he had to turn the examining table at such an angle that I felt like I was going to fall off or slide right out of my pants. Neither of which happened thankfully.

Baby #2

When Tim asked what the thing coming out of the baby's nose was, the technician said, "That's a booger." It's actually a hand curled up and pressing against it's nose.


Anonymous said...

So cute!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The small being is to be seen really very interesting. How it grows near. I come from Germany. So it can be this is not so good my English

Christi said...

You should take a picture with Beniah, the alien, and the ultrasound pic. (I always hated the ultrasounds because the tech always made me rotate a zillion times)

Jim Bauer said...

lol. A booger? At least the doc had a sense of humor. Some of them can be very clinical...my wife's OBGYN, for example was EXTREMELY clinical.