January 24, 2010

Time To Get Dressed

Have you ever wondered what a 14 month old would choose to wear to church if he got the opportunity to decide for himself? Well now you know!

That's right! Brown sweatpants and a gray GAP shirt. This morning, I was getting ready for church and Beniah was being...helpful. So, I went to his dresser and opened the shirt drawer and the pants drawer and told him to pick out a shirt and a pair of pants, expecting him to pull out all of his clothes leaving me with the time to finish getting ready. Instead, he pulled out 1 pair of pants and 1 shirt. He then shut both drawers and went off to play elsewhere. While I wouldn't normally dress my son up like this for church (or anywhere else for that matter), I thought "What the heck! It's the 1st time he chose an outfit for himself. So he'll wear it!"

We also had the pleasure of watching the kids in nursery this morning where Beniah successfully figured out how to crawl in and out of the toy box. When it was time to put toys away, he wanted to stay in there and have us put the toys in the box with him.


Danny said...

So cute!!! Aaron is actually able to dress himself for the most part now, they grow up SOOOO fast!

Anonymous said...

Awww how sweet! I love that toy box too I need one!