Then, as per Heather's instructions, I made myself a protein-filled breakfast. Adding pepper-jack to the scrambled eggs was a delicious idea!

I put in some good music...

and got on the road. I had a companion for most of the trip north--Mazduncan Idaho!!! (or at least one of his clones).

It rained for a bit.

Finally, I arrived at the test site. I had 3 hours to complete 30 multiple choice questions, each with 5 possible answers. Three hours may seem like a lot of time, but the questions are tough.
After two and a half hours, I had answered all of the questions. Unfortunately, I was only confident on 13 of them! When I submitted my answers, I was expecting to fail; here are my results:
I passed! Not an official report, but the receptionist said that they have never heard of anyone failing after receiving a good report on the immediate grading. I'm trying to keep my hopes down, just in case I'm the first, but it ain't easy!
It makes me feel a bit like Gideon. God had him take only 300 men against the multitudes of the Midianites so that the Israelites would know that they hadn't saved themselves, but that God had. With me being as unprepared as I was, I know that God achieved the passing grade, not me!
Once back in Corvallis, Heather & I went to Ruby Tuesday to celebrate.

And here's a pic that I don't have a place for, but am really happy with.

Cool post! I like all your pictures and the commentary of your day. And Congratulations again on passing your exam! (I knew you could do it!)
Love you!
I'm proud of you my boy! You are actually becoming actuarial!
i love the stop lights picture! and i'm almost more proud of your ability to document the journey so well as i am of your success at the end of the journey. you have learned much, o little tim.
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