August 31, 2012

Creepy Comforts

    Last night, Tim and I had a revelation about why Beniah had been waking me up to sit with him in the bathroom while he went potty. It all started with me telling Beniah that I wasn't going to get up anymore to help him since he knows how to go potty all by himself.  Beniah burst into tears until we were finally able to find out that he is scared of the bathroom.  I don't blame the kid at all.  First he has to walk down a long, dark hallway, past his parents bed, into the bathroom where the light switch is located on the opposite side of the room, and the toilet flushes at random times (ugh! I still need to talk to my landlord/father in law about that one).

   So, we put up a nightlight for Beniah.

 As I was basking in the glow of the soft light and admiring my work of an extension cord wrapped around the vanity just so we can plug the night light in, I realized that Woody looks a little creepy with glowing eyes and a cheesy smile.

This morning (after a night of uninterrupted rest), I asked Beniah what he thought about the night light, he said, "I love Woody! Thank you Mama!" 

Really? This face doesn't creep you out? 

Oh well. At least my boy is happy and I got a full night's rest.

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