April 26, 2013

Of Chess and Checkers

This past week, I have been working on unpacking some of our "not immediately important" boxes (since we finally have shelves set up in our 8 foot long hall closet).  One of those boxes held a treasure of puzzles and board games that the boys have been excited to play with almost as soon as I pulled them out of the box.  One of the games is Tim's wooden chess set. Beniah begged me to play it with him until I told him that Daddy would love to teach him how to play chess.  Last night after dinner, the chess board came out and the lesson began.

First the board was set up.

Then came the first show down.

Pondering over the reasonings why castles can't jump over pieces but horses can.

Joyful gloating over capturing Daddy's queen.

To be play chess properly (after boredom of the game sets in), the kings must sit on checker piece thrones.

Meanwhile, Elijah and I pulled out the floor checker board mat and set out the large checker pieces.

  Which soon became beds for the "babies"
 Which quickly turned into sandwiches.

Only to be picked up and put away 10 minutes later due to boredom.

Something tells me that these games won't be brought out again for a few years.

April 20, 2013

A Trip to the Aquarium.

  This past Wednesday was my birthday, so to celebrate we drove to the Portland Aquarium to see some fish (but not eat them as Beniah kept insisting on the drive down).  All morning Elijah chattered, "I so happy! See fish!"



 The aquarium had a large petting tank that held rays, small sharks, and puffer fish. It was very interesting to watch the rays swim right up to our hands as if they wanted to be petted.  The sharks were a little more snobbish so I didn't get to touch one.

Then it was off to see some more fish and other underwater creatures.
(Elijah is looking at a seahorse)

 (Garden eels. Weird looking creatures, but interesting nonetheless)

 (The boys were desperately trying to find the invisible giraffe in this tank. Silly Daddy!)

The aquarium also had a bird aviary that you were allowed to walk in and hold the birds.
 Elijah liked it until the bird tried eating the airplanes off of his coat.

 All is well though when you get to end by playing with wooden beads on twisted wires.

April 2, 2013

March Madness (Whittaker Style)

Here is a quick peek at the reasons why I have been remiss in blogging this past month. I've been...

Playing horsey for our two year old while finishing up packing.

Watching Beniah "help" Daddy move a queen size mattress.

Getting the boys down to sleep on our first night at our new apartment (complete with Cars 2 and Mario Kart Wii sheets)!

Having a busy moving day with the help of wonderful friends....

...and Grandmas who made sure the boys stayed out of the way (while loading them up with candy).

Filling pockets with random junk that fell under beds and dressers.

 Relaxing in a box filled front room, the morning after the move.

Watching Beniah "instruct" Daddy in how to set up the cable box.

 Finding the local park and testing the slide (the boys tested it not me!).

Locating our mailbox (and making sure that there are a total of 24 mailboxes)

Making sure Elijah didn't kill someone while "helping" Daddy set up the new bunkbed.

Overhearing pretend phone calls with Daddy.

Having a real Skype sessions with a cousin in Singapore (who received a detailed tour of our place including viewing all 6 thermostats. Sorry about that Danny).

Laughing over silly faces...
... and "I'm cool" faces

Setting up pretend spy games (which gets turned into spider games).

Discovering a tiny bit of beautiful nature in our patio area.