Last week, my family came up to visit us. We met up with my sister and her family on Sunday at Multnomah falls. It was a fun, but slightly damp hike.

Evie and Tim

Typical Multnomah Falls picture.

We hiked a little bit beyond the bridge. When we got to the bridge, Tim looked over the side and said, "I had that made just for you." Ahh! How sappy sweetheart!

Evie and Ravi left on Monday morning and my parents arrived that afternoon. We spent the next 3 days visiting, touristing, and spoiling Beniah. I wasn't apart of the last item, but I let his grandparents have fun.
Mom thoroughly enjoyed giving her grandson a bath.

On Tuesday, we were going to hike up to Beacon Rock, but realized that the path that was touted to be good for young children was to rocky and steep for a stroller. We ended up walking on a nature trail that was back up the road a bit.
Grandpa and Beniah

Grandma and Beniah.

Beniah loved Grandpa's shoulder rides.

On Wednesday, we went to Fort Vancouver and looked around.
Not a very good photo of me, but it's a fun one. We are all laughing because Beniah just got done trying to eat my hair.

Grandpa and Grandma with Beniah

My parents.

Beniah was so tired by the end of the day that he fell asleep. He didn't even wake up when I moved him from the stroller to the car seat.

After the fort, my parents took us to Burgerville, where Beniah
happily sat in a restaurant highchair for the 1st time.

After Beniah woke up in the morning, my parents would bring him into their bed and play with him. I had to take a picture because I remember doing this with my grandparents. I love the smell of Foldgers coffee (not the taste though) because they would be drinking a cup of it while I was curled up next to them.