Life is starting to get back to normal (whatever normal is now). I'm healing up from the surgery and my energy level is almost back to pre-pregnancy levels. Beniah is growing very fast. He weighed in at 11 lbs. 14oz. at his last checkup. He is getting a slight 3rd chin (when his head is turned a particular way). His latest feat is responding to Mama and Daddy's voices with a smile.
We have had both Grandma's here to help Tim and I out this past month. Of course, both Grandpas came for a visit as well. Unfortunately, we only ended up taking a picture of Beniah with his Grandpa Luse.

Hanging out with Grandpa Luse

Beniah in the cradle. He is the 4th generation to sleep in this cradle. His Great Grandpa Luse was the 1st to sleep in it.

Asleep with Daddy.

The third chin poking out.

Here is Beniah's pouty face that we think is adorable (at least at this point in his life).

Beniah's 1st smile captured by the camera.

Beniah - 1 month old.