Link to comic on xkcd.com.
It was a wonderful trip (although I wish that we had a transporter instead of airplanes).
My sister and
A friend surprised us with a cash gift of $400. We didn’t realize that we actually needed it until our car got hit 3 days later. The $400 covered the deductible to fix the car, one grocery trip, and a tank of gas. Isn’t God amazing how he blesses us before we even ask or know that we have a need?
I got to witness the birth of the son of one of my dearest friends.
Evie called with the news that she is going to have a baby herself.
One year of marriage.
Donald James Earl Shire is born.
Evie came home from
Evie leaves for
We got a cat and named him Mongkut. Tim named him and said that he can name the animals and I can name our children. I’m perfectly fine with that trade after hearing the name that he wanted for our cat. *Interesting Note: Mongkut was the name of the King of Siam in the King and
Thanksgiving at the Whittakers. I didn’t take any pictures there, so these are taken off of my sister-in-laws’ blogsites.
Selmet Christmas party.Unfortunately, I didn’t win any prizes, but we had a great time.Christmas and New Years Eve.
You’ll have to look at the below posts for details and my favorite pictures.
The Lord has richly blessed us this year more than we deserved A new brother, nephew, money for unexpected car repairs... Most of all I am thankful for the grace he has shown to Tim and I in the redemption of our souls. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this little trip down memory lane with me.
New Years Eve
We woke this morning to a blistery 29°F with a sheet of ice covering the road to work. It was a …fun drive. *Note to self… braking on ice is not the most brilliant idea.*
After work, Tim and I went over to our friend’s, Grant, house for dinner and fun.
Pinky and the Brain....
...one is a genius, the other's insane!
Happy New Year!